Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Going Gluten Free

I'm not going to lie to all of you wonder women and supermen out there. I wouldn't do it, it's just not in my nature. My nature is to tell the whole ugly, tasteless truth about it all and that's exactly what I'm about to do. Buckle your seat belts, this is reality ride and you are TOO SHORT to be on it!

Until the words "gluten allergy" became apart of my regular dietary vocabulary, I never really gave much thought to how much or little of the stuff I ate. If it was good I ate it. If it was easy I would eat it. If it was delicious but difficult it would wait till the weekend. Unfortunately as any gluten free person will tell you, being delicious and easy is just not attainable yet. Science hasn't caught up with us poor defectives. We have to make due with the expensive, specialty foods available. After living this way for approximately a month I have discovered a few tips to going gluten free if any of you are dying to purge your body of toxins, preservatives and/or calorie rich foods. I'm not going to say it's easy, I'm just trying to give you tips. I'm a wonder woman, I'm not God.

1) All gluten free baking mixes are DELICIOUS. Betty Crocker is definitely a wonder woman. She somehow captured the cupcakes, brownies, cookies and cakes in their natural state without adding wheat flour. It's a modern miracle.

2) All gluten free breads are terrible. Trust me. I have not had a single one worthy of eating. They are all very dry, which means they make relatively good toast. However, they are all pretty dense, meaning they have no business on a sandwich. I have yet to have a sandwich since going gluten free, a sad little testament to the times...

3) If you buy mixes of certain foods you absolutely love, make them on the weekends and freeze for the rest of the week. It's much easier to microwave up what you're craving than having to strenuously try and MAKE it while you've got the munchies. When you have the time, use it to your advantage.

4) You may experience odd side effects to going gluten free. I've heard everything from sleeping soundly to developing MORE food sensitivity. Be cautious and aware of how your body is reacting. Everyone is different, and for most this is a positive change. Just be aware.

5) When you can, BUY GLUTEN FREE DONUTS!

I don't know if this helps any of you out there, but it would have helped me had I known a month ago.

Desperately seeking flour, WW

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