Thursday, February 18, 2010

One Liners

One liners are those little quips in movies or TV shows that can be pulled out of your back pocket and used like a joke. They can also be a good feeler for the kind of people you're with. If someone catches your reference, a friend or love connection may be in the making. If they look at you and blink, then they obviously aren't cool enough to hang out with you.

But I think, in my humble opinion, that the best one liners are the ones that don't come from movies or TV shows. They come from everyday conversations. You're own personal one liners. True, they can be odd when out of context, but they're still just as good as anything written by someone you've never met. Below are a few of my personal favorite one liners by me, a wonder woman, and wonder women in my life. I dedicate this to them.

"Just wave and smile, that freaks people out."

"That doberman pincher just got punched in the face!!"


"Are there beaches in the mountains?"

"For cereal."

"They had rage at Target. Lots of rage."

"I don't have anything to contribute, I don't know anything about digestion. My poop is black."

Laughing, WW

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