Friday, September 11, 2009

Lunch Dates

Every wonder woman should have lunch dates with her fellow wonder women. It's a perfect way to catch up on your recent crime fighting, saving the world, and any supermen that have charmed one of the lunch date attenders. With any lunch date there are a few key things to remember:

Never go without taking a little more time in front of the mirror. We all like looking good, but we LOVE looking good for our friends/significant others. So bust out that cute little outfit you've been dying to wear out on the town. Your girlfriends will love it just as much as you.

Agree on a place that fits your taste buds and wallets. Wallets should always take priority. If one wonder woman can afford more than another, then always ask the one with less money where SHE wants to go. It's polite, kind, and the right thing to do. Could you imagine going to some fancy place when you can barely make rent? How nervous would you be when the bill gets passed around?

Stay as long as you can! Lunch dates are meant for catching up and making new plans. They are not meant to be rushed. If you have plans after the lunch date, try to push the lunch time up further so you can feel relaxed and at ease while you dine and dish. What is better than lunch? Brunch.

And finally, never make lunch plans with anyone or anything you wouldn't want to. Lunch dates are sacred and holy things, reserved for the best of the best of your friends. It would be a tragedy to waste a lunch date on something silly like a business meeting, laundry, or (worse) someone you really, really just don't enjoy spending time with. Take the time for enjoyment. Don't take it for anything less.

Looking forward to lunching, WW

1 comment:



    This wonder woman would cordially like to invite you to lunch with her on this Friday between 1:30-2:30 or this weekend or possibly on Thursday night for a dinnerish occasion after her classes end at 3:30.

