Saturday, September 5, 2009

Wonder Woman and Adventures in Interviewing (Part IV)

The rainstorm continued yesterday with a second interview in twenty-four hours. Don't worry, this wonder woman didn't let it get to her. In fact, seeing the geographic location of the bookseller, I realized that I could get in contact with some friends prior to interviewing at the old college campus.

After a few hellos at my Alma Mater, I drove to the bookseller noted in the previous addition. It was hot that day, and my cute little interview number was drenched in my own body sweat. I took half an hour before the interview time to wander the fancy strip mall in search of air conditioning, cool liquids, and time killers. Thankfully I found all three in a world market store where much time was productively wasted (I now have a running list of things that should be purchased once money flow increases).

So, calm, cool and quenched, this wonder woman arrived at the bookseller in ample time. I confidently went over to customer service. I waited patiently for her would-be bookie boss to arrive, and we had a fine time interviewing in the bookseller's cafe. Bookie Boss even complemented me on my pro interviewing skills. Little did she know she was dealing with a real, live wonder woman. Wonder women always have slam dunk interviews. And are never late, either (see Wonder Woman and Adventures in Interviewing Part III).

Hopefully there will be a phone call in the next week for round two of interviews for this job. It has a pay check promised at the end of the rainbow. And insurance. And paid vacations. And maybe even a prospect of a little more freedom.

Crossing fingers, WW

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