Monday, August 24, 2009

Going to Your Physician

We all have bodies with their own little quirks. They try to tell us how their day was, whether they're a Padres or Diamond Backs fan, if they are a Jennifer or an Angelina, if they enjoy a good stiff cup of coffee in the morning, or if what we're doing to them is royally screwing them over.

Insert Physician Here.

Doctors are like the translators of our bodies. They go to school/medical school for a million semesters to learn and understand the language of the body. They know what a broken heart sounds like, what an annoyed pancreas does, how your bones dance, so on and so forth. They get paid the big bucks to pay attention to stuff we wouldn't even dream of caring about. (Side Note: If one of you wonderful wonder women/ supermen out there is in the medical field, please ignore last said statement) That is why, in my humble opinion, we get so annoyed with them.

"It's my body! Why didn't it just tell me?!" Ah, alas. We simple folks only rarely hear the screaming whispers of our colons, the nagging of our epidermis, the hair splitting cries of our poor, poor feet. We need doctors and nurses to interpret. Simple as that. And that is why this wonder woman will, I will admit hesitantly, go do a blood test the day after tomorrow. And keep a food diary for the next week. AND fill out a symptoms questionnaire. Because this wonder woman knows she is not fluent in body language, and thus will let the tests speak for her.

(If it's a gluten allergy, I'll scream)

WW out

1 comment:

  1. 2 wonder women on a quest to try and prove to our digestional trackts that they do, in fact, like gluten very much thank you, and it's something much easier to cut out of a diet that's messing us up....
