Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Living on a Budget

Times are rough for us wonder women/supermen. Jobs are scarce and prices are still high. That is why we must live frugally, if not now then forever! It sounds more painful than it actually is, believe you me. Much like ripping off that band-aid, living on a budget will be beneficial to you in the end.

Invest in a library card. This isn't just to be frugal, this is to be smart. Libraries through out time have been the houses of the greatest works of thought known to our species. Literature, art, music, science, languages, all kept in these extraordinary buildings. The age old questions: Why are we here? What is our meaning? Are men really from Mars and women really from Venus?, all may be answered on the shelves of a library. So get a card! This wonder woman does not go to her public library without at least a large bag, knowing full well that she will fill it with the knowledge of the ages by they time she leaves.

Research the cheap hot spots. If you're knew to your new place of residence, ask a few locals about some good old cheap fun. Free bunco night at the local rec center might be fun and profitable if you end up at a gambling table. The local dollar stores always yields good buys that won't break your bank. Drive-in movie theaters are not only a great way to spend your evening, but you get two movies for the price of one. Also, never underestimate the power of happy hour.

Economize and reprioritize. Be honest, you've got stuff. This wonder woman has far too much. If you really are pressed for cash, hold a good old garage sale and sell some of the nick nacks, paddi wacks, and old dog bones you've got lying around the house. Don't try to earn back what you put into your old belongings though. Garage sale people are the kings and queens of bargain hunters, if it's prices over ten dollars you won't get a bite. You want to get rid of the stuff, the money is only a bonus.

Find a hobby. Too often we think to live wonderfully, we must be DOING something. DOING being code for SPENDING. Not true. If you've got a healthy hobby (I'm not talking weird stuff...you all know what I mean) you've got something to occupy your time for free. If your hobby has some sort of a price tag attached due to supplies, save up your loose change to fund it. Nothing is more fun than going to the Coin Star and cashing in. This wonder woman looks forward to it every time the change jar is full.

Thinking frugal, WW

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