Thursday, August 20, 2009

Wonder Woman and Adventures in Interviewing (Part II)

Arose at 6:30am on the button. The alarm from this wonder woman's cell phone has become like the rooster to her farmer, and she welcomes it warmly. Shower had to be delayed slightly, due to a large amount of Comet and Soft Scrub left in the tub (this wonder woman's dog has IBS, and thus had a little accident last night, more details would be distasteful.), but was quickly fixed with a good spray down from shower. Clean and shiny by 6:43am. Hair was not washed to maximize time and efficiency. (Wonder women should never wash their hair everyday, it depletes the natural oils necessary for wonderful hair)

The dress situation was a road block. The previous evening new trousers had to be purchased. This wonder woman had gone up a size, and was not pleased about it. The 'fat pants' were thus flung on the floor of her room, still in the store bag and price tags on. This morning, upon putting them on a terrible and ironic thing occurred: They were too big. Flustered and flabbergasted at her own body's bad timing, this wonder woman tried on old non-fat pants. Still too small. Going back to the fat pants, she got help from a belt, gave her thighs the finger, and went about with the rest of the process.

After a quick bowl of cereal, (Honey Bunches of Oats, according to its box, has quite the history involving the mixing and meshing of several cereals by a CEO and his eighteen year old daughter. Fascinating stuff.) a little research was done online to get some background on this small food supplier she was interviewing for. What should these eyes see before them? Bacon. BACON. BACON! The company sells gourmet foods, its specialty? BACON! Bacon jerky, bacon strips, gourmet BACON!

What's wrong with this? Bacon is a lovely food that thousands of people enjoy in our country alone. Why such a sad face wonder woman? Because, this wonder woman is a veggie. Vegetarian. No red meat. No mammals. No exceptions. A cold sweat started to build up in her arm pits. Research time was over. So, grinding her teeth, prepared for the worst, this wonder woman got in her beat up car and drove to the predetermined Starbucks to meet Mr. Bacon...her possible future boss.

When all you know about someone is that they sell fine wines and bacon, you get a certain idea in your head about who and what they are, especially if you have a half hour drive to mull it over. I know all of you don't have thirty minutes to ponder this, but this wonder woman did. And did she come up with some whopper ideas. A wonder woman never gossips, so details will not be revealed. However, at 8:02am Mr. Bacon came into said Starbucks, shook wonder woman's hand, ordered a venti something, put approximately 4 packs of sugar and a half cup of milk, and picked up a hot ham sandwich. I held my breath.

Turns out Mr. Bacon knows his stuff. Told me about the business, the work I would do, how I could turn it into something paid. Publication was a word used A LOT. Who knows? This might be this wonder woman's next big break. She may even get wined and dined by fancy restaurants while she does it too...

Planning, WW.

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