Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wonder Woman and Adventures in the Workforce (Part VIII)

There was a horrible war in Wonderland. The jabberwock ate most everyone, and those left were shell-shocked and violent. Not a lot of support, you could say...

But amidst being the Wonderland White Rabbit, and dodging the jabberwocky, this wonder woman saw a strange little boy sitting among the rubble. He couldn't have been more than ten, with ratty clothes and a funny little flute...
"You shouldn't be here," I advised him. "It's not safe to loiter here." He looked up at me and got a big smile on his face.
"I think you should head north," he said. "Second star to the right."
"I beg your pardon?" I said. (I'd gotten very uppity since being a White Rabbit. It comes with the job, you get used to it, and then you sorta fall into it.)
"North,"he repeated. "To Never Neverland." And then he trotted off back through the war zone, and out of Wonderland's gates, as if it were nothing at all. Weird kid.

I was a little confused by his message though. It was cryptic, and yet direct. I didn't quite know how to follow his instructions...
Low and behold, a light bulb! North isn't just north, it's up. And where has this wonder woman been that's up...MOUNTAINS! CAMP! What a revelation. Thanks little flute boy.

So on a day when the Red Queen forbid my presence, I call up said Neverland and reconnect. I am missed, and I am wanted. They need another Wendy to take care of all these lost boys! I put in my request to fill such a space. They are delighted.

Now all that I can do is sit, and wait...and watch the stars till morning.

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