Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Losing Your Superpowers 3

The meditation is still keeping me grounded. I need it. Wonderland is still hostile, despite my passport and exportation papers for the near future. But I'm not done getting my powers back. Not by a long shot am I done. I'm still gathering them up bit by bit, one by one. And I am very surprised to say the next one to cross my path of reclaim was one of my greatest.

There is one thing that has always been my super emergency, hidden, not talked about, super power. I only use it when things get really, really bad and a complete turn around is necessary.

"But WW, it's been bad for a while!" you might say. "Why do you only bring this up now?!" I know, I know. You would think I would have pulled this one out of my back pocket as soon as someone said "fire!" in the theatre. But there is a catch to this power: it is uncontrollable.

What is this uncontrollable, great, super emergency power? My catch-fire drive. I used to have it in mounds only a year ago. I was driven to be the best, the greatest. And whenever I fell off my own personal course, something would catch my attention and light up that match again. It could be a book, a person, or even current events. But, this year, my drive went to the waste side. I never used it. It never caught fire. So I never got anything done for my own sake. Nothing.

That changed just this morning. One little sentence and a familiar stir in my chest and my heart catches me all a flame.

It's a little exhilarating. I forgot how fun it is to be a superhero...

On fire, WW

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